괴도군의 블로그

[java][android] 일출일몰시간계산 본문


[java][android] 일출일몰시간계산

괴도군 2015. 8. 19. 15:14
public class SunSet {

private static final double PI = 3.141592;

private boolean IsLeapYear(int year)
return ((year % 4 == 0 && year % 100 != 0) || year % 400 == 0);

private int GetLastDay(int uiYear, int ucMonth)
switch(ucMonth) {
case 2: // 2월
if( (uiYear % 4) == 0 ) { // 4로 나누어 떨어지는 해는 윤년임.
if(uiYear % 100 == 0) { // 그중에서 100으로 나누어 떨어지는 해는 평년임
if(uiYear % 400 == 0) return 29; // 그중에서 400으로 나누어 떨어지는 해는 윤년임.
return 28; // 평년
return 29; // 윤년
return 28; // else 평년
case 4: case 6: case 9: case 11: // 4, 6, 9, 11월
return 30; // 30일

return 31; // 그외 31일

private int CalcJulianDay( int uiYear, int ucMonth, int ucDay)
int i;
int iJulDay;
iJulDay = 0;
for(i=1; i<ucMonth; i++) {
iJulDay += GetLastDay(uiYear, i);
iJulDay += ucDay;

return iJulDay;

private double CalcGamma(int iJulDay)
return (2.0 * PI / 365.0) * (iJulDay - 1);
private double CalcGamma2(int iJulDay, int hour)
return (2.0 * PI / 365.0) * (iJulDay - 1 + (hour/24.0));

// Return the equation of time value for the given date.
private double CalcEqofTime(double gamma)
return (229.18 * (0.000075 + 0.001868 * Math.cos(gamma) - 0.032077 * Math.sin(gamma) - 0.014615 * Math.cos(2 * gamma) - 0.040849 * Math.sin(2 * gamma)));


// Return the solar declination angle (in radians) for the given date.
private double CalcSolarDec(double gamma)
return (0.006918 - 0.399912 * Math.cos(gamma) + 0.070257 * Math.sin(gamma) - 0.006758 * Math.cos(2 * gamma) + 0.000907 * Math.sin(2 * gamma));

private double DegreeToRadian(double angleDeg)
return (PI * angleDeg / 180.0);

private double RadianToDegree(double angleRad)
return (180*angleRad / PI);

private double CalcHourAngle(double latitude, double solarDec, int time)
double latRad = DegreeToRadian(latitude);
double hour_angle = Math.acos(Math.cos(DegreeToRadian(90.833)) / (Math.cos(latRad) * Math.cos(solarDec)) - Math.tan(latRad) * Math.tan(solarDec));
if(time==1) {
return hour_angle;
}else if(time==0){
return -hour_angle;
return 0;

private double CalcSunriseGMT(int iJulDay, double latitude, double longitude)
double gamma = CalcGamma(iJulDay);
double eqTime = CalcEqofTime(gamma);
double solarDec = CalcSolarDec(gamma);
double hourAngle = CalcHourAngle(latitude, solarDec, 1);
double delta = longitude - RadianToDegree(hourAngle);
double timeDiff = 4.0 * delta;
double timeGMT = 720.0 + timeDiff - eqTime;
double gamma_sunrise = CalcGamma2(iJulDay, (int) (timeGMT/60.0));
eqTime = CalcEqofTime(gamma_sunrise);
solarDec = CalcSolarDec(gamma_sunrise);
hourAngle = CalcHourAngle(latitude, solarDec, 1);
delta = longitude - RadianToDegree(hourAngle);
timeDiff = 4.0 * delta;
timeGMT = 720.0 + timeDiff - eqTime;

return timeGMT;

private double CalcSunsetGMT(int iJulDay, double latitude, double longitude)
// First calculates sunrise and approx length of day
double gamma = CalcGamma(iJulDay + 1);
double eqTime = CalcEqofTime(gamma);
double solarDec = CalcSolarDec(gamma);
double hourAngle = CalcHourAngle(latitude, solarDec, 0);
double delta = longitude - RadianToDegree(hourAngle);
double timeDiff = 4.0 * delta;
double setTimeGMT = 720.0 + timeDiff - eqTime;
// first pass used to include fractional day in gamma calc
double gamma_sunset = CalcGamma2(iJulDay, (int) (setTimeGMT/60.0));
eqTime = CalcEqofTime(gamma_sunset);
solarDec = CalcSolarDec(gamma_sunset);
hourAngle = CalcHourAngle(latitude, solarDec, 0);
delta = longitude - RadianToDegree(hourAngle);
timeDiff = 4.0 * delta;
setTimeGMT = 720.0 + timeDiff - eqTime; // in minutes
return setTimeGMT;

private void GetTimeString(double minutes)
// timeString returns a zero-padded string given time in minutes
double floatHour = minutes / 60.0;
double hour = Math.floor(floatHour);
double floatMinute = 60.0 * (floatHour - Math.floor(floatHour));
double minute = Math.floor(floatMinute);
double floatSec = 60.0 * (floatMinute - Math.floor(floatMinute));
double second = Math.floor(floatSec);

Log.v(""," "+hour+"시 "+minute+"분 "+second+"초");

public double GetSunriseTime(int year, int month, int day, double latitude, double longitude, int zone, int daySavings)
int julday = CalcJulianDay(year, month, day);
double timeLST = CalcSunriseGMT(julday, latitude, longitude) - (60.0*zone) + daySavings; // minutes
return timeLST;

public double GetSunsetTime(int year, int month, int day, double latitude, double longitude, int zone, int daySavings)
int julday = CalcJulianDay(year, month, day);
double timeLST = CalcSunsetGMT(julday, latitude, longitude) - (60.0*zone) + daySavings;
return timeLST;

public void sunsettest()
double latitude, longitude, lst;
latitude = 35.53; // 대구
longitude = -128.37;
latitude = 35.829147;
longitude = -128.50015;
latitude = 37.34; // 서울
longitude = -126.589999;
lst = GetSunriseTime(2015, 8, 19, latitude, longitude, -9, 0);
lst = GetSunsetTime(2015, 8, 19, latitude, longitude, -9, 0);
